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MineCraft (Stand 19.01.2025)
wdt_ID | SetNummer | SET VON | Set Name | Minifiguren | Vorhanden |
176 | 21105 | Minecraft | Micro World - The Village | 2 | |
177 | 21106 | Minecraft | Micro World - The Nether | 3 | |
178 | 21107 | Minecraft | Micro World - The End | 4 | |
179 | 21113 | Minecraft | The Cave | 2 | |
180 | 21114 | Minecraft | The Farm | 2 | |
181 | 21115 | Minecraft | The First Night | 2 | |
182 | 21116 | Minecraft | Crafting Box | 2 | |
183 | 21117 | Minecraft | The Ender Dragon | 4 | |
184 | 21118 | Minecraft | The Mine | 4 | |
185 | 21119 | Minecraft | The Dungeon | 3 | |
186 | 21120 | Minecraft | The Snow Hideout | 3 | |
187 | 21121 | Minecraft | The Desert Outpost | 4 | |
188 | 21122 | Minecraft | The Nether Fortress | 4 | |
189 | 21123 | Minecraft | The Iron Golem | 3 | |
190 | 21124 | Minecraft | The End Portal | 3 | |
191 | 21125 | Minecraft | The Jungle Tree House | 4 | |
192 | 21126 | Minecraft | The Wither | 4 | |
193 | 21127 | Minecraft | The Fortress | 4 | |
194 | 21128 | Minecraft | The Village | 9 | |
195 | 21129 | Minecraft | The Mushroom Island | 2 | |
196 | 21130 | Minecraft | The Nether Railway | 2 | |
197 | 21131 | Minecraft | The Ice Spikes | 2 | |
198 | 21132 | Minecraft | Jungle Temple | 3 | |
199 | 21133 | Minecraft | The Witch Hut | 2 | |
200 | 21134 | Minecraft | The Waterfall Base | 4 | |
201 | 21135 | Minecraft | The Crafting Box 2.0 | 2 | |
202 | 21136 | Minecraft | The Ocean Monument | 2 | |
203 | 21137 | Minecraft | The Mountain Cave | 6 | |
204 | 21138 | Minecraft | The Melon Farm | 3 | |
205 | 21139 | Minecraft | The Nether Fight | 3 | |
206 | 21140 | Minecraft | The Chicken Coop | 1 | |
207 | 21141 | Minecraft | The Zombie Cave | 3 | |
208 | 21142 | Minecraft | The Polar Igloo | 2 | |
209 | 21143 | Minecraft | The Nether Portal | 3 | |
210 | 21144 | Minecraft | The Farm Cottage | 3 | |
211 | 21145 | Minecraft | The Skull Arena | 2 | |
212 | 21146 | Minecraft | The Skeleton Attack | 4 | |
213 | 21147 | Minecraft | The Bedrock Adventures | 4 | |
214 | 21148 | Minecraft | Minecraft Steve BigFig with Parrot | ||
215 | 21149 | Minecraft | Minecraft Alex BigFig with Chicken | ||
216 | 21150 | Minecraft | Minecraft Skeleton BigFig with Magma Cube | ||
217 | 21151 | Minecraft | The End Battle | 2 | |
218 | 21152 | Minecraft | The Pirate Ship Adventure | 3 | |
219 | 21153 | Minecraft | The Wool Farm | 1 | |
220 | 21154 | Minecraft | The Blaze Bridge | 4 | |
221 | 21155 | Minecraft | The Creeper Mine | 4 | |
222 | 21156 | Minecraft | BigFig Creeper and Ocelot | ||
223 | 21157 | Minecraft | BigFig Pig with Baby Zombie | ||
224 | 21158 | Minecraft | The Panda Nursery | 1 | |
225 | 21159 | Minecraft | The Pillager Outpost | 4 | |
226 | 21160 | Minecraft | The Illager Raid | 5 | |
227 | 21161 | Minecraft | The Crafting Box 3.0 | 4 | |
228 | 21162 | Minecraft | The Taiga Adventure | 2 | |
229 | 21163 | Minecraft | The Redstone Battle | 4 | |
230 | 21164 | Minecraft | The Coral Reef | 2 | |
231 | 21165 | Minecraft | The Bee Farm | 2 | |
232 | 21166 | Minecraft | The 'Abandoned' Mine | 2 | |
233 | 21167 | Minecraft | The Trading Post | 3 | |
234 | 21168 | Minecraft | The Warped Forest | 3 | |
235 | 21169 | Minecraft | The First Adventure | 4 | |
236 | 21170 | Minecraft | The Pig House | 2 | |
237 | 21171 | Minecraft | The Horse Stable | 2 | |
238 | 21172 | Minecraft | The Ruined Portal | 2 | |
239 | 21173 | Minecraft | The Sky Tower | 1 | |
240 | 21174 | Minecraft | The Modern Treehouse | 4 | |
241 | 21175 | Minecraft | {?} | ||
242 | 21176 | Minecraft | The Jungle Abomination | 5 | |
243 | 21177 | Minecraft | The Creeper Ambush | 2 | |
244 | 21178 | Minecraft | The Fox Lodge | 2 | |
245 | 21179 | Minecraft | The Mushroom House | 2 | Ja |
246 | 21180 | Minecraft | The Guardian Battle | 1 | |
247 | 21181 | Minecraft | The Rabbit Ranch | 2 | |
248 | 21182 | Minecraft | {?} | ||
249 | 21183 | Minecraft | The Training Grounds | 3 | |
250 | 21184 | Minecraft | The Bakery | 3 | |
251 | 21185 | Minecraft | The Nether Bastion | 3 | |
252 | 21186 | Minecraft | The Ice Castle | 6 | |
253 | 21187 | Minecraft | The Red Barn | 3 | |
254 | 21188 | Minecraft | The Llama Village | 6 | |
255 | 21189 | Minecraft | The Skeleton Dungeon | 4 | |
256 | 21190 | Minecraft | The Abandoned Village | 3 | |
257 | 21240 | Minecraft | The Swamp Adventure | 2 | |
258 | 21241 | Minecraft | The Bee Cottage | 2 | |
259 | 21242 | Minecraft | The End Arena | 3 | |
260 | 21243 | Minecraft | The Frozen Peaks | 3 | |
261 | 21244 | Minecraft | The Sword Outpost | 5 | |
262 | 21245 | Minecraft | The Panda Haven | 2 | |
263 | 21246 | Minecraft | The Deep Dark Battle | 3 | |
264 | 21247 | Minecraft | The Axolotl House | 2 | |
265 | 21248 | Minecraft | The Pumpkin Farm | 2 | |
266 | 21249 | Minecraft | The Crafting Box 4.0 | 4 | |
267 | 21250 | Minecraft | The Iron Golem Fortress | 6 | |
268 | 21251 | Minecraft | Steve's Desert Expedition | 1 | |
269 | 21252 | Minecraft | The Armory | 2 | |
270 | 21253 | Minecraft | The Animal Sanctuary | 2 | |
271 | 21254 | Minecraft | The Turtle Beach House | 2 | |
272 | 21255 | Minecraft | The Nether Portal Ambush | 1 | |
273 | 21256 | Minecraft | The Frog House | 3 | |
274 | 21257 | Minecraft | The Devourer Showdown | 4 | |
275 | 21259 | Minecraft | The Pirate Ship Voyage | 2 | |
276 | 21260 | Minecraft | The Cherry Blossom Garden | 2 | |
277 | 21261 | Minecraft | The Wolf Stronghold | 3 | |
278 | 21262 | Minecraft | The Windmill Farm | 3 | |
279 | 21263 | Minecraft | The Badlands Mineshaft | 3 | |
280 | 21264 | Minecraft | The Ender Dragon and End Ship | 3 | |
281 | 21265 | Minecraft | The Crafting Table | 6 | |
282 | 21266 | Minecraft | The Nether Lava Battle | 3 | |
283 | 21267 | Minecraft | The Illager Desert Patrol | 4 | |
284 | 21268 | Minecraft | The Baby Pig House | 2 | |
285 | 21269 | Minecraft | The Armadillo Mine Expedition | ||
286 | 21270 | Minecraft | The Mooshroom House | 1 | |
287 | 21271 | Minecraft | The Trial Chamber | ||
288 | 21272 | Minecraft | {?} | ||
289 | 21273 | Minecraft | {?} | ||
290 | 21281 | Minecraft | Baby Pig's Birthday Celebration | ||
291 | 30331 | Minecraft | The Nether Duel | 2 | |
292 | 30393 | Minecraft | Minecraft Steve and Creeper Set | 2 | |
293 | 30394 | Minecraft | The Skeleton Defense | 2 | |
294 | 30432 | Minecraft | The Turtle Beach | 1 | |
295 | 30647 | Minecraft | The Dripstone Cavern | 2 | |
296 | 30672 | Minecraft | Steve and Baby Panda | 1 | |
297 | 30705 | Minecraft | The Lush Cave Fight | ||
298 | 66646 | Minecraft | Minecraft Bundle 2 in 1 | ||
299 | 66779 | Minecraft | Overworld Adventures Pack | ||
300 | 66786 | Minecraft | Adventure Gamer Gift Set | ||
301 | 662101 | Minecraft | Steve, Zombie and Pig | 2 | |
302 | 662102 | Minecraft | TNT Launcher and Skeleton | 1 | |
303 | 662103 | Minecraft | Alex with Ocelot and Sheep | 1 | |
304 | 662203 | Minecraft | Iron Golem | 1 | |
305 | 662204 | Minecraft | Miner and Creeper | 2 | |
306 | 662205 | Minecraft | Steve with Drowned Zombie | 2 | |
307 | 662206 | Minecraft | Alex with Skeleton and Skeleton Horse | 2 | |
308 | 662207 | Minecraft | Steve with Spider | 1 | |
309 | 662302 | Minecraft | Cave Explorer, Creeper and Slime | 2 | |
310 | 662303 | Minecraft | Adventurer with Drowned and Axolotl | 2 | |
311 | 662304 | Minecraft | Ninja, Zombie and TNT Launcher | 2 | |
312 | 662305 | Minecraft | Nether Hero and Enderman | 2 | |
313 | 662306 | Minecraft | Pillager with Training Dummy | 1 | |
314 | 662307 | Minecraft | Spider and Skeleton | 1 | |
315 | 662308 | Minecraft | Alex, Baby Llama and Bee | 1 | |
316 | 662309 | Minecraft | Knight with Chest and Anvil | 1 | |
317 | 662317 | Minecraft | Steve with Diamond Armour | 1 | |
318 | 662401 | Minecraft | Stray, Crystal Knight and Shooter | 2 | |
319 | 662402 | Minecraft | Nether Hero and Strider | 1 | |
320 | 662403 | Minecraft | Zombie with Burning Baby Zombie and TNT | 2 | |
321 | 662404 | Minecraft | Alex and Wolf | 1 | |
322 | 662405 | Minecraft | Drowned and Hero | 2 | |
323 | 662406 | Minecraft | Golden Knight and Charged Creeper | 2 | |
324 | 662407 | Minecraft | Steve and Mooshroom | 1 | |
325 | 662408 | Minecraft | Witch with Black Cat and Potion | 1 | |
326 | 662409 | Minecraft | Hero with Skeleton | 2 | |
327 | 662410 | Minecraft | Cave Explorer with Spider | ||
328 | 662411 | Minecraft | Hero with Bat and TNT | ||
329 | 662412 | Minecraft | Arbalest Knight with Frog and Slime | ||
330 | 662413 | Minecraft | End Warrior with Shulker and Chorus Plant | ||
331 | 662501 | Minecraft | Hero with Elytra and Phantom | ||
332 | 853609 | Minecraft | Skin Pack | 4 | |
333 | 853610 | Minecraft | Skin Pack | 4 | |
334 | Minecraft | Steve |